Welcome to the Cotswold British Sub Aqua Club!

Some of the members of the Club
We are a friendly branch of the British Sub-Aqua Club (BSAC) located in the heart of Cheltenham, providing convenient access for people interested in scuba diving from the Cheltenham, Gloucester and Stroud areas. We also have members attend from further away as well, so don’t let distance be a factor!
The branch has a membership covering a diverse age range and backgrounds. In addition to an active year-round diving programme, we have volunteer BSAC Qualified Diving Instructors, so are able to train members from beginner through to Dive Leader and beyond!
Feel free to explore the pages of our site. Find out what the club is all about on the About Us page. If you are already a qualified diver and want to dive with us then you are welcome to join and dive with your existing qualification, whoever that is from. You can also further your training, so have a look at the Training page. If you’ve never had a go at scuba diving before, why not give it a go – our Try Diving! page explains all.
With 71% of the Earth’s surface water, if you can’t dive you are missing out! Come join us in this other world and explore the delights of Egypt’s Red Sea, The Caribbean, The Far East, The Mediterranean, The Atlantic and, yes, we also dive in the UK!
Everyone at Cotswold BSAC