
Your Cotswold BSAC Committee

A previous Committee testing out the Club Rib

Like lots of organisations Cotswold BSAC is run by a committee, elected annually by our members at the AGM held in October. The committee plays an important part in ensuring that the Club continues to be a success and everything from diving, to training to our equipment is looked after.

The committee usually meets once a month to discuss any matters. As a member of the Club you welcome to come and listen to any of the meetings, or should you have a matter you would like discussed at the next meeting, then just let a member of the committee know.

The committee members for 2024-2025 are:

Chair: (Vacant)
Diving Officer: Craig
Treasurer: David B
Secretary: Roland P
General members: Martin P, Iain B, Shaun H, Mark H and Steve B

Committee minutes

Only club members can access these. .
If your unsure what the login details are, just ask a member of the Committee (see above).