Lulworth Cove, Dorset

Jacqui’s trip to Lulworth and Kimmeridge as part of her Dive Leader.
The good ol’ British weather made it a little challenging (for me at least!) but I think I can safely say a good time was had by all. My thanks to the best dive buddies Shaun, Stephen and Jon (all heroes in my eyes!), Bryan for towing the RIB, Des for being a fab Cox and mentor throughout the planning and weekend itself, Ian, Jo and Connor for being fab company (Ian we could see your grin from the other side of the bay!), Jayne and Mark for completing the Lulworthers crew. Finally not forgetting the superb shore cover by Nick and the bulk of these photos by H and of their combined support and pep talks.
The rain on Friday didn’t have as big an adverse affect on the viz as had been initially expected with between 8 to 10m for both shore diving and a reef just outside Kimmeridge. The off shore wind initially was working in our favour giving us some protection but as the day progressed the wind changed direction and sea conditions became more choppy. A great deal of sea life was still seen with some wrasse, crabs and lobsters and for a landlocked BSAC club we’re just happy having a dip in the salty stuff! The rain and wind somewhat shortened the original plan for the weekend, but it didn’t spoil a great weekend.