Porthkerris 2023
Members enjoying some diving at Porthkerris over the weekend.
First dives on the Mohegan with 5m vis, even got a few Dolphins playing after launching the boat Just time for some evening shore diving! Well the wind and rain certainly arrived as predicted! Still managed to get divers in on the Rock Island Bridge and Volnay, with decent vis on both dives. New dive site at Penwin Wall. Stunning, my passenger seat edit doesn’t do it justice.
Last dives today starting with Penwin, one of the manacles, which proved spectacular as ever. Followed by some shore dives to finish off. Now time to get the boat back for some TLC!
Another great year in Porthkerris. Great dives and great company. It was a super weekend with challenging weather but some cracking dives. Well done to Dylan and Tyler, our younger divers who are progressing fast and bringing down the average age of the club! Thanks to Craig, Tom and Richard for brilliant boatage; I’ve never been dumped on top of a shot buoy so repetitively. Iain, thanks for towing Cotswold Diver this year. Porthkerris was a fine team effort, so if you were there congratulate yourself. If you were not there, please try and come next year. And finally – thanks Becky for the photo dump!